Casinos help make your creatures happy by providing a place for entertainment. You can even make back some money you spent on their
paydays by adjusting the gambling odds in your favor.
To adjust the Payout Lever, zoom in on the Casino using the Home key. Click on the $ sign if you want to rip off your creatures or on
the Smiley face if you want to pamper your creatures with greater winnings.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 750 gold
Combat Pit
The Combat Pit allows for your creatures to train themselves to higher levels than they would in the Training Room.
Here, creatures can train by fighting eachother until they reach level 8.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 750 gold
Dungeon Heart
The Dungeon Heart is the most important room in your dungeon. If your Dungeon Heart is destroyed, you lose.
Your Heart will generate 1 mana per tile you control each cycle, up to 500. The outer 16 tiles of your Heart
can store up to 1000 gold per tile.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: N/A
This is where creatures enter to get into your dungeon.
Portals allow 15 creatures through the first one claimed and an additional 5 creatures for each claimed afterward.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: N/A
Imps will drag dead bodies to the Graveyard where they will rot and potentially raise a Vampire.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 2000 gold
Guard Room
The Guard Room is an ideal resource for defending the outer reaches of your dungeon.
Creatures placed in the Guard Room are duty-bound to remain there, and seldom leave their posts (unless, of course, they are hungry or
in need of paying). As well as managing the Guard Room, they also make patrols around the dungeon to check on any Guard Posts in the vicinity.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 600 gold
Hatcheries generate chickens which all creatures, except for Imps and Skeletons, will eat.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 300 gold
Lairs are required to maintain an army of creatures.
This is where they will sleep and slowly heal after battles.
Some creatures require more space in a Lair than others.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 300 gold
Libraries are where your creatures will research new spells, or upgrade known spells, for you.
Warlocks, Vampires, Dark Angels and Maidens can be placed here to research for you.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 600 gold
When enemy heroes and creatures are knocked out, they are dragged to the prison where they are starved until they die.
When humanoid creatures die in the prison they rise as skeletons to serve you. Skeletons are free, having no upkeep cost.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 750 gold
Stone Bridge
One of two types of bridges you may build. The Stone Bridge is more durable than its wooden counterpart as it will survive lava.
Health per Tile: 2000
Cost per Tile: 500 gold
Torture Chamber
The Torture Chamber attracts the Dark Mistress.
This room can be used to convert heroes and enemy creatures to your side.
If you drop a Firefly here, it will die instantly from the electricity.
If a creature dies while being tortured, and you have a graveyard, an imp will drag the corpse there.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 1500 gold
Training Room
Your creatures use the Training Room to hone their fighting skills. Working with the dummies and targets available,
creatures increase their experience level every turn. Each turn, there is a cost in Gold incurred for each creature that you are training.
Once a creature has gained the required experience points, it advances to the next level. Creatues can train up to level 4 here.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 500 gold
This is where your gold is stored after your imps have mined it and where your creatures come to collect their pay.
Up to 3000 gold can be placed on a tile.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 200 gold
Unholy Temple
And expensive room that needs to be 25 tiles in size before it will attract the Dark Angel.
Ceatures can worship or be sacrificed here to gain rewards.
Worship makes creatures happy. It also protects them from scavenging done by enemy keepers.
Sacrificing creatures here can also provide rewards.
See the Temple Recipes section for more information.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 3000 gold
Wooden Bridge
One of two types of bridges you may build. The Wooden Bridge is less expensive than the stone variant. But it will burn in lava.
Health per Tile: 2000
Cost per Tile: 200 gold
This room will attract the Troll to your dungeon.
Creatures who work in this room will create Traps and Doors for protecting your dungeon.
Bile Demons can also work in this room.
Health per Tile: 10000
Cost per Tile: 600 gold